Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I had a bit of insomnia again the other night that kept me tossing and turning till . Maybe the insomnia was worsened by the fact that in order to put myself to sleep at I put in a movie to put myself to sleep.  Almost 2 hours after I pushed the play button, my mind and heart were racing and I proceeded to spend, what would be a total of 30 minutes crying on the couch in my living room, wondering why in the world I chose to watch this movie out of all the other nights I could have chosen it.

So what got me to the point where the tears were flowing uncontrollably and were barely being absorbed by the  20th piece of tissue paper in my hand?  Love.  The love between a father and a son, between a young new couple, between a father and a daughter, new love found, old love lost, passionate love, angry love,  unconditional love, the heart break of love.  Four carefully selected letters of the alphabet mooshed together to express something that at times is the most complex thing that could ever be expressed.. 
I thought about how some people are scared of it, afraid to show it, too reserved in expressing it.  Then I thought about how others could never express it enough, are passionate about it, unafraid to make fools of themselves because of it and are over heels consumed by it.  From one spectrum to the other. Love is truly a profound feeling in all it's forms and variations and even though it's highly complex, I'm convinced it's the best feeling that was EVER created.

What I thought would be a simple "chick flick", ended up meaning so much more to me.  I know I over analyze stuff too much, this is why "just a movie" sent me over the line into a sobbing abyss.

So before I tell you the name of the movie, I must place a disclaimer in here because I know that those of you who know me are going to accuse me of watching it simply because I'm a fan of Robert Pattinson. I will confess that initially the fact that he was in it peaked my interest but before you judge me and completely write off the movie entirely (because even I recognize he didn't have the best acting skills in the Twilight movies) don't write off the movie entirely because the story line and it's ending, if you can look past the obvious is compelling.

I'm not making it a habit to give "movie reviews" on this blog but it is my blog so I'm giving it. : )

The movie: drum roll please, or snores from my sleeping children will have to do:  "Remember Me"

And because Love is so complex: I want to introduce you to our new family member : BellaSara (named by Kendell).  Yes the love of a pet may not be "complex" but I do know a lot of people who love love love their dogs and I get to hear stories about them at least once a week.  I love cats, but love dogs too...even if that's possible... maybe the love of pets can be complicated...

Happy Thursday!

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