Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Implementation Coward-ess

I've had a consistent 2 day reality check and it finally came to a head this afternoon.  Life is too short.  I'm reminded of this because my momma told me so today. You never know when it's going to be your time to exit this planet so you need to ask yourself what legacy will you leave behind?

Someday I will be able to relay the struggle of which I am going thru to be read by some passionate photographer somewhere with a dream that they feel is wilting away.

I've been reading Jasmine's Exposed Magazine.  I'm hoping to get thru the rest of the magazine without a 4th tearful melt down.  I could literally hear Jasmine screaming at me from page 77.  The mess of today only confirmed it for me: I'm "stuck".  

Today I am reaping a harvest of frustration because I compromised and planted the seeds of comfort and security in the form of a direct deposit into my checking account 2 times a month instead of continuing to have FAITH. I stopped having Faith in God to provide, faith in my ability to succeed, faith in what I envisioned for my family. I grabbed the reigns and took control of something that I had no business taking control of and now I'm the driver of a car that is idling on an empty tank and the nearest gas station is 100 miles away.

Life is lack luster when it's absent of a dream.  I'm a dreamer and I teach my kids that they can dream and dream big if they want because if they believe with all their heart and mind: they can achieve it.  I honestly believe as people get older they let go of their dreams because life gets in the way and intercedes in allowing the pursuit to continue. God intentionally made me a dreamer for a good reason and the very thing He created in me I've gone off and smothered with the comfort and security of hard cold cash.

In short: Life is short, love what you do and if you don't, ditch it.  Being uncomfortable will make you get motivated into making life happen for you. Implementation requires faith and courage, two key components I fear I am currently short on.

Are you living your dream? 

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