Friday, September 17, 2010

Why take the risk?

It absolutly breaks my heart for the many brides that I see that get sucked into scemes of wedding photographers promissing to phtograph their most precious moments for less than $500.00. I want to post all over the internet, "don't do it! don't do it!", but do you think they'd still listen or take my advice?

Why take the risk?

I had a friend ask me to shoot her wedding almost a year ago. Obviously she came to me because she loved my style and I liked her a lot so I offered to take a hit as my wedding gift to her. Yet after all the going back and forth she didn't want to pay one penny over her budget, she wouldn't let up despite the fact that I was giving her a steal! Her reason: a friend of a friend who photographs "families" said that she could find an AWESOME photographer for less than $500 on Craigslist. There's only so much you can do to try to convince one person. I tried my best but still she ignored my advise and stuck to her budget.

I'm sure I don't need to detail the amount of disappointment that arose within me when I was finally able to see the photographs her "awesome" photographer produced for her. At the same moment I wanted to just cry cause I felt so horrible for her. I had to stop half way thru the pictures cause honestly my heart was breaking with every other picture I saw. My mission is clearer now than it's ever been: I want my brides to cry when they see their wedding day pictures: not tears of sadness but tears of JOY. I want the pictures I capture to be a lasting impression of all the joy, love and beauty that the day had to offer.

My absolute pet peave is when a photographer can't authentically capture tender moments between two people. The day of the wedding is the day that a couple is more in tune with the love that they feel for one another, if a photographer can't capture that, I have to ask: Why are they a wedding photographer?

No matter what your budget is. Brides please listen to me I BEG OF YOU! Don't fall for it! Getting horribly produced, stiff pictures that don't tell a lick of who you are as a person, as a couple in love, isn't worth the "deal" of thinking that you can pay $500 or less. You might as well hand the point and shoot camera to your aunt Libby, if any of you have an aunt Libby, cause she could probably do a better job.

Don't take the risk beautiful brides, don't do it! Yes I'm sure that there's a jewel in the numerous deals out there that could give you beautiful wedding photographs, but Why take the Risk?

I have to end this blog post on a good note:  The First Look

I always love it when couples opt to see eachother before the wedding! It's the fist time that a bride and groom see each other and the expressions that I'm able to capture are awesome. The First Look affords couples the opportunity to have an intimate time to themselves before they are wed.  Here's one of Joy and Jeremy that I love:


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